The Good Bits – September 8

A few interesting articles/posts I have come across recently and wanted to share…

**Two Months with a Tesla**– This is an awesome write-up from Andrew Connell about his experience with his new Tesla S 85D. Like him, I have always been interested in Tesla and the cars they are producing. They are poised to radically change the automobile industry, in a good and lasting way. For years though, that change has felt like it is a long way off, as the appetite for electric cars has languished and the infrastructure was sorely lacking. Now, however, basedon Andrew’s account, the future is here and it is exciting!

**Code Watch: The first four habits of highly employable developers**– One of the key goals in my professional lifeis to stay in tune with new technologies and new methods of software development. That doesn’t always mean using the latest and greatest, but it does mean knowing about them and letting them influence my current projects in the right ways. This article helps me appreciate that not only is this a balanced way of looking at things, but it will help me be employable if and when I am looking for another opportunity.

**API Testing with Telerik Fiddler–**I’ve been using Fiddler for years to debug websites and external APIs. But this post opened my eyes to a feature I didn’t know existed: the ability to test my own APIs from within Fiddler itself. You can load a Test List containing all the pertinent details of each request, and then setup Validators to compare the actual results against expected results. I look forward to utilizing this feature with my own APIs to improve their reliability and performance.

About Martin Witters
