Whether you are experiencing issues with AssemblyMate, or are just looking to get the most out of the app, the following screen-by-screen details should help.If you have a question or problem that is not addressed here, please drop us a note on the Support page, and we’ll be happy to assist you.
**Register/Sign In: **The first time you open the app, you will be taken to the Login/Register screen.Creating an account with WittersWorld is required for using the app.This account allows you to store your notes and other data “in the cloud” and access it from any device on which AssemblyMate installed.The same account will work for other WittersWorld apps as well.
Register: If this is your first time using a WittersWorld app, you will need to create an account.Simply enter an email address and a password, and click the Register button.Your account will be created, and assembly information will be automatically downloaded.
Sign In: If you have previously registered with WittersWorld (through AssemblyMate or another mobile app), enter the email and password for that account, then press the Sign In button.Your assembly information will be downloaded automatically.
Assemblies:The main screen of the app is the list of assemblies.From here, you can drill down into the schedule for any of the assemblies that are listed.Also, you can access the menu for the below options:
Sync: Any data you enter in the app is only stored locally on the device, unless and until you use the Sync button. Syncing will push any updates you have made out to our web-based database.It will then download any new information, such as a new assembly that has been added, or changes you may have made on other devices.
Show/Hide Archived: You may choose to archive past assemblies so that they are no longer on this list.If you would like to see the full list again, you can click this menu option.Click it again to hide the archived assemblies.
Assembly Days:Once you click an assembly, you will see the program for that assembly, with a tab for each day of the event.You can then click on any talk to enter specific information for that talk.Or you can use these menu options:
Details: You can set the date for the assembly, the attendance for each day (morning and afternoon), and the number baptized.
Archive/Restore: If you no longer wish to see this assembly in the list, you can archive it.All your data will be retained, and you can restore it from the archive using the same menu button.
Export: This option will create a document with all the notes and details of this assembly.On Android devices with an external SD card, the document will be saved to the card, where it can then be accessed on your computer.On Windows Phone devices, the document can be saved to your SkyDrive account.
Talk:Most of the information you enter in the app will be on this screen.You can enter the speaker’s name, as well as enter any notes for the talk which you would like to remember for future use.