Twitter has become one of my favorite sources of news and information throughout the course of the day. I’m not a Twitter power user by any means. I simply follow people who are good at sharing news, opinions, and ideas on the topics that are important to me, my life, and my career. Oh, and I also have some humor mixed in there as well. I occasionally sharemy thoughts, or retweet something I thought especially important or witty. You can follow me @wittersworld.
My normal day starts with me opening Google Chrome, then opening Twitter in a new tab and getting caught up with some of the more recent tweets. At that point, I shift my focus to my work for the day. I get engrossed in my work while the Twitter tab sites idly by, with the number of unread tweets gradually growing. Whenever I reach a good stopping point, or just need a mental break, I look back over to Twitter to see what I’ve missed.
The Pain Point
For months, I have been dealing with a pain point that perhaps you have experienced as well. When I click the “View new Tweets” link, all the new tweets load at the top of the page. Since I am neurotic about reading the tweets in order, I have to scroll down to the last tweet I had previously read, then scroll up to readthe new tweets. Depending on how long I have been away from Twitter, it’s not uncommon for me toload 100+ unread tweets. In those cases, it can be a challengeto find the starting point for the new tweets. All the tweets start to look alike.
The Solution
To solve this problem(and expand my horizons),I wrote a Chrome extension named TweetSpot. The purpose of this extension is to remember the last tweet you read before clicking the “View new Tweets” link. Then, when the new tweets are loaded, it will scroll you down to that tweet, so you can pick up at the exact spot where you left off.It’s a very simple and lightweight extension, but I hope you find it useful. You can download it now from the Chrome store. If you like it, please rate it as well!
As with some of my other projects, I am making this extension open-source so that others may contribute their ideas and/or fix issues that arise. You can see the source code for the TweetSpot extension on github: